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Wealth Management Focused on Value and Customization

CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional held to a Fiduciary Standard of Conduct

Providing Financial Planning and Investment Management services in person or virtually.

Financial Advisor

As a Financial Advisor, I specialize in financial planning and investment management.  Evergreen Wealth Management is an Independent Wealth Management Company with locations in Seattle, WA. and Scottsdale, AZ. Understanding each client’s unique situation and building highly personalized strategies is at the core of what we do. We provide education and expertise to help you reach your financial goals.

Evergreen Wealth Management was created to offer clients customized Wealth Management services. Our goal is to spend necessary time to fully understand each client’s individual needs and goals not only financially but personally. We work with clients to educate and coach them through the financial planning and investment management process.
 We have the flexibility to use a wide range of products. This can include active management investment solutions or time tested low expense investment vehicles. 
If you have questions please schedule a call, we would love to hear from you! 

Dave grew up in the Seattle area. He attended the University of Washington and received a degree in Finance from the Foster School of Business. He began his career in the Financial Services industry in 1997 and has over 19 years experience working both with individuals and institutions. His first job after college was working for MetLife Insurance Company on Mercer Island, WA. He tailored life insurance strategies to meet client needs.

Following MetLife, Dave went to work for McDonald Investments in Bellevue, WA. The team worked on an institutional trading floor speaking to CFO’s, CEO’s and Municipalities discussing Fixed Income options for their short-term operating cash.

Dave wanted to return to working with individual clients and took a job with Fidelity Investments as an Account Executive in 2003. He worked at Fidelity for over 11 years and oversaw a book of approximately $290 million in assets. Over that 11 year period, Dave conducted thousands of client meetings building retirement and investment plans for clients in both the accumulation and distribution phase of life.

Dave is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and Enrolled Agent (EA). An enrolled agent (EA) is a federally-authorized tax practitioner who has technical expertise in the field of taxation and who is empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before all administrative levels—examination, collection, and appeals—of the Internal Revenue Service. In addition to taxpayer representation, enrolled agents often provide tax consultation services and prepare a wide range of federal and state tax returns.

Dave, his wife and their two children live in Scottsdale, Arizona the majority of the year and spend summers in Seattle where they are originally from. Dave is a Licensed Private Pilot, enjoys fishing, golf and traveling. Dave is also an active real estate investor. He received a Certificate in Commercial Real Estate from the University of Washington and is a member of a National Real Estate Investing association.

We succeed by providing excellent client service and expert advice to individuals, families, and businesses in many facets of tax and financial planning.

We honor our fiduciary duty above all, and practice full disclosure, due-diligence, and client communication. We work in a collaborative atmosphere with our clients, with whom we reach mutual agreement on every phase of the financial planning process.


Allow us to become a trusted partner and guide to be available and to provide insightful advice to enable you to make informed financial decisions.


We maintain the highest ethical standards. This is always reflected in our advice and actions. 


We combine expertise and experience to give each client the close personal and professional attention he or she deserves.

Financial Planning

Whether you are in the accumulation or distribution phase of life, we can work with you to build a financial plan to help you meet your goals. Below are some of the key areas that we can work with you on.
Areas of Focus

  • Retirement Income Strategies
  • Charitable Planning
  • Social Security Maximization Techniques
  • Pension Maximization
  • College Planning
  • 401k reviews
  • Small Business Retirement Savings Plans
  • Asset Allocation Guidance
  • Asset Location Strategies
  • Tax efficient investment strategies

Investment Management

There are several steps in the investment management process.

  • Determine the proper mix of asset classes. Carefully select the proper mix of domestic and foreign stocks, bonds, alternative investments and cash. The correct mix can be different for each type of account you have depending on what the goal, time frame and risk tolerance may be.
  • Investment Category – Once selecting the correct mix of asset class, the next step is to pick the category of investments in each class. What type of investments should you hold in each category? What is the correct mix of large, mid and small cap stocks? What is the proper balance of investment grade vs. high yield bonds?
  • Choosing Investments- Do you have a preference on actively managed investment strategies or a low cost index or etf investment approach? We will have a discussion to understand exactly what you prefer and work within a open architecture investment platform to build an investment strategy tailored to you.
  • Ongoing Reviews of the portfolio – Markets can change quickly. Having a structured process in place is a important element to the long term success of a portfolio.
  • Rebalancing – As you goals, needs, and risk tolerance may change, rebalancing is an essential part of the process. Investment allocation can change over time as investment managers may over or underweight different categories. Regularly rebalancing is essential to keep investment allocations in line with investment goals.

Listed below are a few common reasons to hire a tax professional.

  • It can save you time. What is the value of an hour of your time? The IRS estimates that the average person spends up to 11 hours doing all the prep work for a 1040. It could take more time depending or your situation. If this is true the cost of your time may far outweigh the cost of delegating your taxes to a professional.
  • The tax code is complicated and changes frequently.
  • You gain peace of mind.
  • Making mistakes on your taxes can be expensive and potentially outweigh the tax prep fee. Innocent tax mistakes such as math errors or filing status may trigger further questioning or audits by the IRS.
  • Reviewing Tax planning strategies such as Roth conversations.
  • Itemized deductions may be missed.
  • You don’t have the time or patience to deal with taxes.

If any of the following tax situations apply to you it may also be worth hiring a tax professional.

  • You have taxable brokerage accounts with multiple buy and sell transactions during the year.
  • You bought or sold a primary residence.
  • You bought or sold a rental property.
  • You have children or dependents.
  • You donate to charities.
  • You are self-employed

If you would like to discuss potentially delegating the tax preparation process feel free to call, email or click here https://calendly.com/davestanfield to schedule a 15 minute call and answer any questions you may have.

IRS source: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1040gi.pdf

How do I decide when to start collecting my Social Security benefits?

Should I delay claiming past my full retirement age (FRA) to get a larger payment?

How are my benefits calculated?

Have these questions ever crossed your mind? If so, you aren’t alone. Despite the fact that Social Security covers 96% of workers in the U.S.1 and the majority of retirees get more than half of their income from Social Security,2 many people make incorrect assumptions or find themselves intimidated by the myriad of details.

Unfortunately, not having a complete picture of the system and how your benefits work could be financially devastating. If you’ve ever tried to understand Social Security or navigate the system on your own and found yourself confused, you are the perfect candidate for a Social Security review.

Why You Need A Social Security Strategy

The Social Security Administration provides you with 567 ways to claim Social Security benefits3 and the Social Security Handbook has 2,728 separate rules governing your benefits.4 As you can see, there is no one-size-fits-all claiming strategy for Social Security. There are several factors that play a role in the amount of benefits you receive and the ideal date for you to start claiming those benefits, including your health status, life expectancy, need for income, whether or not you plan to continue working, and how concerned you are about running out of money.

What To Expect

In our Social Security review meeting, we’ll help you wade through the overwhelming number of Social Security options and discuss a few questions, including:

  • Is it worth it to wait to collect my benefits until I reach Full Retirement Age (FRA)?
  • How should I plan to maximize my total lifetime benefits?
  • Should my spouse and I coordinate to maximize our total benefits?
  • Can I work while collecting Social Security? If so, what are the limitations?
  • How do my Social Security benefits impact my overall retirement plan?
If you have questions and want to make sure you receive every penny that’s rightfully yours, we, here at Evergreen Wealth Management, are pleased to offer you a complimentary Social Security review meeting to help you navigate and most effectively use your benefits before and during your retirement. 

Schedule your free Social Security review today!


You can also call 206-357-8428 x5028 or email dave@ewealthmanage.com.


1 https://www.internations.org/usa-expats/guide/29458-social-security-taxation/us-social-security-16268

2 https://www.ssa.gov/news/press/factsheets/basicfact-alt.pdf

3 “Social Security: There is a better way,” Center for Retirement Research, Boston College, September 2012. 


Sample Financial Plan

When did you last make a major purchase sight unseen? You most likely haven’t. It would be incredibly risky to buy a car without driving it first, or put an offer on a home you haven’t walked through. So why should you pay for a financial plan without knowing what to expect? Click here to view a PDF of our Sample Financial Plan.

We use an industry leading Financial Planning Software through Right Capital. The software can help create a plan for specific financial goals as well as provide detailed cash flow analysis. Here are just some benefits of using the software.

  • Monte Carlo Simulations – We can build in market stress tests and look at “what if” scenarios.
  • Help manage Tax Liability – The software prepares a detailed 1040 projection including Schedule A, B and D.
  • Income planning – We can look at different drawdown strategies, Roth conversion analysis and factor in other income streams like pensions, rental income and other sources.
  • Optimize Social Security – We can review different claiming strategies to optimize the benefit amount over your lifetime.
  • Debt Analysis – We can look at different payoff scenarios to determine impacts by paying off debt sooner.

Financial plans can address a myriad of concerns and goals, from college planning to retirement income strategizing. Depending on your needs, your plan may focus on one overarching element or multiple goals you’d like to achieve over time. Whatever you choose to focus on, your financial plan will provide a sense of understanding of where you stand financially and where you need to go in order to meet your goals.

The result is a simple yet powerful road map to help our clients provide meaning to all the various parts of their financial life, create a sense of peace, and reduce stress. Our holistic process helps ensure our strategies are tailored to your needs as we implement and manage them for years to come. As your advocate, we strive to advance your best interests, enhance your understanding, and navigate you towards a stronger financial future.

In addition to this sample plan I can create a customized written plan document with guidance on your retirement and investment plan. This written plan looks at a client’s overall financial plan customized to your specific goals which can include comments on existing investment strategies, cash flow and budgeting, education planning, estate planning, insurance planning and more.

View Sample Financial Plan

At Evergreen Wealth Management, we specialize in finding opportunities to add value to our clients’ lives. From helping them realize the goal of retiring early or buying a new home to simply saving money on insurance or adjusting the asset allocation of their portfolio, we believe that proactive and personalized financial planning and investment management can make a significant impact on their future.

By assisting in so many areas of financial guidance and investing, we seek to be available to our clients at every milestone and season of life they experience. Our ultimate goal is to offer people peace of mind and confidence in our abilities and guidance. Here are examples of five recent clients we have helped.

Case Study #1: Job Change

Sometimes we feel paralyzed by life’s choices. We know that every decision has repercussions, and nowhere is this more true than with a job change. Oftentimes people stay at a company because they don’t know how changing jobs will impact their financial plan and they lack the information to analyze their options.

I helped a client in this exact situation. Our first step was to review his career options from a planning perspective. After leaving his current role, he decided to go back to school to pursue a different specialty in his industry. I believe that our thorough planning process gave him the confidence and clarity he needed to move forward in this decision. Here’s a sampling of the planning process we went through that gave him that peace of mind.

We looked at two specific areas: saving and estate planning. First, we reviewed his 401(k) from his former employer and discussed the pros and cons of keeping it as is or rolling it over. We ultimately decided to roll it into an IRA, and also established a Roth IRA and discussed contribution methods. We reviewed the investments in his accounts and helped him understand the fees he was paying.Along those same lines, we looked at his overall savings picture and did an income and expense analysis. We then created a savings strategy, determining the right amount for an emergency fund and short-term goals, and allocating the rest to retirement.

Finally, I referred this client to an attorney to prepare estate planning documents. As a result of this process, this client was able to confidently and securely make a life change knowing that his family’s finances were in order.

Case Study #2: Retiring Sooner Than Planned

One of my favorite things as a financial planner is to go through the planning process with clients, review various scenarios using software, discuss retirement strategies, and then witness clients realize they may be able to retire sooner than later! Now, instead of working longer, they can spend more time with their kids and grandkids, travel, or pursue hobbies.

This is exactly what happened with one particular couple I worked with. In order to make the transition into retirement as seamless as possible, we needed to cover multiple financial planning areas. We first looked at two critical retirement issues: Social Security and income planning. Specifically, my clients wanted to know when they should claim Social Security and what tax issues they should be aware of. To answer these questions, we discussed their life expectancy, family history, and other unique factors, and used Social Security planning software to see projections for various claiming dates. Once we reviewed their options, it was clear to them what claiming strategy they should choose.

Then we needed to figure out the best way to withdraw their savings to bridge the income gap between their retirement date and their Social Security claiming date. We looked at their various accounts, built a withdrawal plan, and structured their withdrawals to help them meet their goals. We also analyzed their accounts, looking at how much they had in cash and where they were overweight or underweight in certain asset classes. We then balanced things out to diversify their nest egg.

Finally, we reviewed life insurance and health insurance. This particular couple had a term life insurance policy they had been paying into for many years, but when we looked at their life insurance needs and savings, we realized they no longer needed this product. We canceled the policy and saved them money on the unnecessary premiums. In terms of health insurance, these clients were uncertain about how healthcare costs would impact the success of their retirement plan. They wanted to retire early but were concerned that unexpected health-related expenses would eat away at their savings, putting them in a tight spot later. We spent some time looking at the idea of creating contingency funds as well as providing referrals to a health insurance specialist to review their Medicare options and pre-Medicare coverage.

This couple’s situation shows us that regardless of when you decide to retire, it’s critical to make sure each piece of your plan is working together to reach your retirement goals. Through the retirement planning process, they gained confidence and had peace of mind knowing they had a solid financial plan in place.

Case Study #3: Retirement Windfall

Receiving a financial windfall often comes with planning headaches. One couple, already retired, came to me for advice after receiving a lump-sum inheritance from a parent who had passed away. They had already met with an elder care attorney and received valuable advice on how to best structure their parent’s estate, which made the task of settling the estate much easier. When we sat down together and discussed the cash available to invest, we also uncovered several planning areas that had not been reviewed in quite a while.

First, we needed to determine how the sizable cash inheritance would fit into their overall financial plan. Initially, they wanted to invest it conservatively, such as in a money market account or certificates of deposit (CDs), because they felt a responsibility to the late parent. But after having a detailed conversation about their overall plan and looking at various financial planning software models that took into account their other assets, sources of income, and risk tolerance, they decided on a 70/30 allocation of stocks and bonds.

With the primary planning issue out of the way, we then turned to the rest of their financial plan. We reviewed the performance, fee structure, and risk level of their partially self-directed and managed investment accounts and were able to reduce their fee structure using passively managed portfolios. In terms of savings accounts, this couple had a short-term cash account for emergency funds, so we discussed the accounts and reviewed alternate banking options. We also provided guidance on structuring laddered CDs based on the current interest rate environment, making decisions on what length of maturity and amount each CD should have.

Since they were already retired, this couple was taking their required minimum distributions (RMDs) once a year by simply calling their investment company and requesting a check be sent to their home. They had not done any planning and were not aware that strategies could be implemented to help mitigate risk in taking withdrawals from investment accounts, such as the sequence of withdrawals risk, which looks at the timing of when a withdrawal is made.

For example, if you are in an aggressive investment allocation and the market is down when you are required to make a withdrawal, you could end up selling shares at lower prices. Sometimes spreading out your withdrawals over quarterly or even monthly distributions may help reduce that risk, particularly if you need the money to supplement income in retirement. We reviewed various options, and this couple felt that they would enjoy the predictability of monthly withdrawals and could use the money as a paycheck. We set up regular monthly deposits to their bank, which also reduced the risk of forgetting to take their RMD and facing a 50% penalty.

We finished by tying up loose ends. I introduced this couple to an insurance specialist who was able to review their existing Medicare supplement plan, maintain similar coverage, and reduce the cost of insurance premiums. I also reviewed their previous year’s taxes and, at tax time, prepared and submitted their tax return. When examining their credit cards, we found that they were spending thousands of dollars a month on credit cards that had high interest rates and didn’t offer a benefit for their spending. They switched cards so they could begin earning mileage, cash back, and other benefits.

Finally, this client wanted to know how their residential rental properties fit into their long-term financial plan, their debt structure, and what tax implications were present. I was able to provide planning guidance and refer them to various mortgage lending specialists. These clients are the perfect example of how small changes can make a big difference down the road.

Case Study #4: Aging Parents 

Aging is a challenge for many reasons, but one incredibly sensitive area can be that of finances and transitioning wealth. I have helped many clients with the questions that arise when aging parents are no longer able to manage their finances. The grown children making decisions for their parents are in a tough spot. They want to honor their parents’ hard work by making the right decisions, but they often don’t have a relationship with their parent’s financial advisor.

One of my clients recently went through the legal process of removing their mother from a revocable trust due to her being incapacitated. I was able to use my experience to work with the siblings and new trustees to develop an investment strategy for the mother’s wealth.

The mother’s money was invested more aggressively than what the children were comfortable with, but they were simultaneously uncomfortable with making changes for fear of realizing a long-term capital gain. I analyzed their tax return and found that the client had a several-hundred-thousand-dollar capital loss that was carried forward from a previous tax year. They were able to use this to offset the gain and move toward a plan that was more suited for their mother’s needs and goals. We also created an income plan for their mother, secured a large percentage of the assets into fixed guaranteed investments, and put a smaller portion into a growth potential strategy.

Handling the ins and outs of taking care of an aging parent is difficult, both emotionally and financially. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important that you work with an advisor who can walk your family through any decisions that need to be made.

Case Study #5: Business Owner

Over the years I have worked with clients that had goals of starting businesses, clients with existing companies, and with business owners after a liquidation event or selling a company to discuss ideas for re-allocating proceeds toward retirement goals. I am currently working with a company that has an existing Simple IRA plan in place. I have helped by visiting the company to meet with active employees and work one-on-one with employees to discuss not only their Simple plan investments but how it fits into their overall plan. I believe that employees benefit from having face-to-face interactions with an advisor who is familiar with the company.

Business owners often have complicated financial planning issues and need an advisor who is familiar with the ins and outs of a business owner’s circumstances. Throughout my career, I have helped small businesses with evaluating what employer retirement plans may be best suited for their company, succession planning, risk management, and other topics.

Now It’s Your Turn!  

Throughout my 20 years in the financial planning industry, I have worked with Baby Boomers, Generation X, Y, and Z, singles, families, retirees, widows, and business owners. No matter your situation or what questions you have, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Evergreen Wealth Management to see how I can help you add value to your financial situation or refer you to someone who is the right fit for your specific goals. Send me an email at dave@ewealthmanage.com, call me at 206-357-8428 x5028, or book a 15-minute complimentary phone call online. I look forward to hearing from you!

About Dave

David Stanfield is the founder of Evergreen Wealth Management with 20 years of industry experience. David is passionate about developing long-term relationships with his clients and creating tailored plans to help each client move closer to their financial goals. He serves clients in Seattle and beyond, including Everett, Bellevue, Kingston, Kirkland, Bellingham, Federal Way, Bothell, Shoreline, Edmonds, Port Townsend, Mukilteo, Bainbridge Island, Kitsap County, Cle Elum, and Ellensburg. He graduated from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington in 1998 with a degree in Finance. He is also an Enrolled Agent (EA) and has technical expertise in the field of taxation. Raised in Seattle, WA, Dave currently lives in Edmonds, WA, with his wife, Irene, and their son, Egan. Outside of the office, Dave is a licensed private pilot and enjoys fishing, golf, and traveling. He is also an active real estate investor and received a Certificate in Commercial Real Estate from the University of Washington and is a member of a National Real Estate Investing Association. Learn more about Dave by connecting with him on LinkedIn.

Investment advisory services offered through Regal Investment Advisors, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Evergreen Wealth Management, LLC  is independent of Regal Investment Advisors.


During the accumulation phase of life there are many competing financial priorities. Trying to balance how much you save toward retirement vs other priorities like education planning or insurance needs can be confusing. Below are some of the top questions I get from families who are saving toward retirement.

  • How much money should I be saving in my 401k?
  • Am I on track to retirement?
  • What types of college savings plans are out there and how much do I need to save?
  • How much money should I be putting toward college savings plans?
  • Do I need life insurance and if so how much and what kind? What about liability insurance or disability insurance?
  • How can I make my investments more tax efficient?
  • What is the proper mix of stocks and bonds for me?
  • Am I properly diversified?

We work with clients to discuss each one of those goals in detail, build a plan, implement a plan and continue to monitor things moving forward. Life happens fast and things can change from year to year so it is important to check in on topics quarterly and look for ways to optimize your financial plan over time.

During the accumulation phase of life there are many competing financial priorities. Trying to balance how much you save toward retirement vs other priorities like education planning or insurance needs can be confusing. Below are some of the top questions I get from families who are saving toward retirement.

  • How much money should I be saving in my 401k?
  • Am I on track to retirement?
  • What types of college savings plans are out there and how much do I need to save?
  • How much money should I be putting toward college savings plans?
  • Do I need life insurance and if so how much and what kind? What about liability insurance or disability insurance?
  • How can I make my investments more tax efficient?
  • What is the proper mix of stocks and bonds for me?
  • Am I properly diversified?

We work with clients to discuss each one of those goals in detail, build a plan, implement a plan and continue to monitor things moving forward. Life happens fast and things can change from year to year so it is important to check in on topics quarterly and look for ways to optimize your financial plan over time.

Over the last 20 years I have met with thousands of clients. What I find is that the majority of those clients who are 10 years or closer to retirement have the same questions and concerns. One of my core specialty areas in Income Planning. There are many ways to generate income in retirement. Common strategies include using investments to generate interest, a spend down or bucket approach, systematic withdrawal plans etc. We take time to understand your preferences then layout the options and discuss the pros and cons of each to help craft a plan that you are most comfortable with. Other questions I get from retirees include:

  • How much money can I withdrawal from my portfolio every year?
  • How do I mitigate the risk of not running out of money?
  • What accounts should I withdrawal from first or last?
  • Should I take social security now or wait?
  • What strategies do people use to generate income in retirement?
  • Have I saved enough toward retirement?
  • What strategies are available to reduce taxes in retirement?
  • Do I need Long term care insurance?
  • How much should I estimate to pay for Health Care during my life and how does that impact my overall plan?
  • Are annuities good or bad and does an annuity make sense for me?

I am a specialist in working with pre retirees and Baby Boomers in answering these questions. We go through the financial planning process to answer your questions and create a customized plan to achieve your goals. We also use risk management techniques to mitigate common pitfalls in retirement. 

There are many events over the course of one’s life that can have life changing impacts both emotionally and financially:

  • Health crisis
  • Divorce
  • Loss of a spouse or family member
  • Loss of a job or job promotion
  • Inheritance
  • Retirement
  • Getting married
  • Having your first child
  • Buying your first home

Handling these transitions can be very challenging. We have gained experience and knowledge over the last 20 years in working with clients going through these transitions. We have a process in place to guide you through the difficult decisions that need to be made. I personally have experienced these areas myself and with close friends and relatives. I have passion for helping people through these difficult times, patience and a planning process in place to guide you through the hard decisions that need to be made.

With the great software that is out there today meetings can be run very efficiently from anywhere in the world. There are many benefits to meeting virtually including:

  • Saves Time. People are busier than ever. Having the luxury of meeting virtually save you time in commuting, printing documents to bring etc. Ideal for families with active children or traveling professionals.
  • Saves money – Avoid commuting costs, parking and other fees.
  • We can meet from wherever you are in the world
  • Opens up the possibility of who you can work with. It doesn’t matter if you live in a remote area or even in a big city, you can now look outside the 20-mile radius of your home to find an advisor you like working with.
  • All you need is an internet connection – We utilize financial planning software that allows you to access and update your plan at any time as well as software platforms like Zoom for virtual meetings.

  1.  Discovery meeting – The first step in the process is to gather client data and determine goals, investment preferences, what concerns clients may have, and set future expectations.
  2. Analyze- We will analyze the data provided, asses the clients situation and build a step by step process to achieve client goals.
  3. Strategy Presentation- We will present back to the client financial planning recommendations to meet the clients stated goals. We will also present an investment strategy that is tailored to the client’s time frames, goals and investment preferences.
  4. Implementation – We will review what parts of the strategy the client would like to implement and take the necessary steps to implement the plan.
  5. Monitoring- We will agree on communication frequency and meeting schedule to monitor the financial plan and investment strategy moving forward.

Fees and Services

At Evergreen Wealth Management, we feel it is critical for our clients and potential clients to understand how we work, what we charge, and make it easy to do business with us. We place a high priority on honesty and transparency and strive to make the financial planning process streamlined, economical, valuable, and fun. We understand how precious your time is, and we want to make our time together as efficient and rewarding as possible. Here’s a view into how we work and what you can expect.

How We Work

Simple 3-Step Process

STEP 1: Complimentary 15-minute call
STEP 2: Goal-setting meeting to discuss your situation and begin building a customized plan
STEP 3: Strategy presentation 

Once we’ve completed these three steps, there are three options for working together.

OPTION 1: Strategy-Only

I will develop a customized Financial Plan and Investment Strategy. Deliverables include a Software generated Financial / Retirement Plan report, customized Investment Strategy and a written document with planning recommendations specific to your areas of interest. You can then take this information and implement the strategy on your own. The cost for this written plan and supporting documents is $2,500.

OPTION 2: Long-Term Relationship

Work with me on an ongoing basis for Financial Planning and Investment Management. Financial Planning guidance is included in the overall service offering at no additional cost.

Fee Schedule for Investment Management

$0-$500,000 = 0.95% 
$500,000 - $1,000,000 = 0.80% 
$1,000,000 - $3,000,000 = 0.65% 
$3,000,000 + = 0.50%

Option 3 - Work together ongoing - Financial Planning Guidance only. Client maintains control over investment accounts. 

Essential plan      $400 a month. 60 minute meetings twice a year after first quarter onboarding process.

Advanced plan   $700 a month. 90 minute meeting every quarter after first quarter onboarding process.



Financial Planning and Investment Management curriculum as outlined by the CFP Board.

A 30-minute consultation to assess your current financial situation and walk you through the financial planning process.

A 60-minute Initial Discovery Meeting In depth discussion about your financial goals and most important financial concerns.

A 60-minute Recommendations Meeting Items included below

Retirement planning report showing if you are on track.

Summary of your current net worth, goals, and action items.

Recommendations in the following areas: savings targets, debt repayment, investment goals, retirement planning, insurance, estate planning, and tax planning.

An asset allocation for your current 401(k) / 403 (b)

Connections to experts in our network (CPAs, attorneys, insurance agents).

Social Security Analysis and recommendations.

Ongoing email support.

Minimum 12 month commitment billed quarterly.

Hourly Planning / Project Based

I can also work with you on an hourly basis for specific project based planning, the rate is $175 an hour.

Asset management fees are calculated on a weighted average percentage basis. $100,000 minimum account balance for investment management.

It’s Easy To Get Started!

Our greatest hope is that you will feel confident and secure in our process and what you are paying for our services. We want to make financial planning easy and—dare we say it?—fun! At Evergreen Wealth Management, we believe that financial planning is critical for your success, but it doesn’t have to be a heavy burden. Get started today by scheduling a complimentary 15-minute phone call at 206-357-8428 x5028 and see where it could take you!

Dave is passionate about retirement planning. Our goal is to develop long term relationships with clients. Our goal is to spend necessary time to fully understand each client’s individual needs and goals not only financially but personally. We work with clients to educate and coach them through the financial planning and investment management process.

Core values

Trust – Relationships are built on trust. We work very hard every day to build that trust. Our goal is to have multi generational relationships with clients and work in an environment where clients come first.

Listening – Understanding client preferences and hearing what is most important to each client.

Client Communication – Creating not only an ongoing plan for reviews but also providing timely commentary to keep clients informed.

Responsiveness- “Rapid response” – Having questions answered in an expedient manner is a core value that we implement in our firm.

Tailored Plans – Every client has a different set of goals, preferences, investment experiences and concerns. We pride ourselves in learning about what drives each client both professionally and personally.

There are also many risks facing investors and retirees today which include.

  • Asset allocation Risk
  • Market Risk
  • Inflation
  • Taxes
  • Longevity
  • Withdrawal Rate risk
  • Sequence of Returns Risk

We will work with clients to create strategies to mitigate against those risks.

Please contact Dave today to schedule a complimentary initial consultation.

We offer a no obligation Complimentary Consultation. Below are some of the most common questions and concerns facing investors today. These are some of the topics we can discuss and you can receive answers to.
Common questions from clients greater than 10 years from retirement

  • How much money should I be saving in my 401k?
  • Am I on track to retirement?
  • How much money should I be putting toward college savings plans?
  • How can I make my investments more tax efficient?
  • What is the proper asset allocation for me?
  • Am I properly diversified?

Clients approaching retirement or already retired

  • Have I saved enough toward retirement?
  • How much money can I withdrawal from my portfolio every year?
  • How do I mitigate the risk of not running out of money?
  • What accounts should I withdrawal from first or last?
  • Should I take social security now or wait?
  • What strategies do people use to generate income in retirement?

Please contact us directly to have a brief 15 minute conversation by phone to learn more. We can also get started by email as well.

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